Crispy Cheddar Smashed Potatoes

By Jo-Anna Rooney 
In: Recipes

These Crispy Cheddar Smashed Potatoes are a simple and delicious side dish to any meal!  They're cheesy, buttery and so flavorful!

Hello Kendall-Jackson friends it's me, Jo-Anna from A Pretty Life Blog, here to share a simple and delicious side dish recipe with you! This recipe would be a perfect dish to serve alongside a baked ham for Easter dinner!

Potatoes are one of those staple side dishes that tend to get served the same way over and over again, especially at traditional holiday dinners... mashed, boiled, baked. But there are so many other great ways to serve them. One of our favourite ways to enjoy potatoes are smashed potatoes. Have you heard of them? Basically smashed potatoes are potatoes that are first boiled, then smashed, then roasted to a crispy perfection. They are SO good, especially when made with loads of butter and cheese. Because everything is better with cheese!

They are so easy to make, and make a big batch, so they're great to serve at big dinners. I just know those around your table will love the crispy, buttery, cheesy goodness. Here's how to make them:

Step One:  Boil and Smash!

The key to making these potatoes it to boil them first. The potatoes will roast better and become more crispy if this step is done first. Just boil, then smash.

These Crispy Cheddar Smashed Potatoes are a simple and delicious side dish to any meal!  They're cheesy, buttery and so flavorful!

Step Two:  Smother in Butter, Salt & Pepper and Roast!

After the potatoes have been boiled and smashed, it's time to smother them in butter! The butter makes them deliciously crispy. You can add as much or as little butter as you would like at this step, it's really up to you. We like a lot. Then season generously with salt and pepper, and put them back in the oven to roast.

These Crispy Cheddar Smashed Potatoes are a simple and delicious side dish to any meal!  They're cheesy, buttery and so flavorful!

Step Three:  Add ALL. THE. CHEESE. and roast to crispy perfection.

Now for the best step...adding the cheese!  For these smashed potatoes I used an old white cheddar cheese because we like the sharp and rich flavour of this cheese.  Again, for this step you can use as much or as little cheese as you see fit.  I say, the more cheese the better!  Then pop them back in the oven to finish the final step of roasting.

These Crispy Cheddar Smashed Potatoes are a simple and delicious side dish to any meal!  They're cheesy, buttery and so flavorful!

These potatoes are roasted until they are nice and crispy. Just look at all that cheesy golden deliciousness.

These Crispy Cheddar Smashed Potatoes are a simple and delicious side dish to any meal!  They're cheesy, buttery and so flavorful!

Scoop the potatoes off the baking sheet and serve them up. I dare you not to pop one or two in your mouth first. And make sure to scrape off all the deliciousness from the pan... the crunchy bits are the best!

These Crispy Cheddar Smashed Potatoes are a simple and delicious side dish to any meal!  They're cheesy, buttery and so flavorful!

The old cheddar cheese on these potatoes pairs so nicely with a glass of Kendall-Jackson Vintner’s Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon — yum!  If you're all by yourself you could make this dinner. ;)

These Crispy Cheddar Smashed Potatoes are a simple and delicious side dish to any meal!  They're cheesy, buttery and so flavorful!


Crispy Cheddar Smashed Potatoes

Recipe type: Side Dish
  • 1 - 2 pound bag of mini potatoes
  • 1/3 cup melted butter
  • 3/4 cup shredded sharp white old cheddar cheese
  • coarse salt
  • fresh ground pepper
  1. Preheat your oven to 425 degrees.
  2. In a large pot of heavily salted boiling water, add the whole mini potatoes and boil for 15 minutes.
  3. After this time, remove the potatoes from the water and line them up on a baking sheet.
  4. Using a fork, smash the potatoes, so they are relatively flat.  Just don't smash them too hard, because you want to keep the bottoms intact.
  5. Drizzle the smashed potatoes generously with the melted butter, then season with salt and fresh ground pepper.
  6. Roast for 25 minutes, then remove them from the oven and generously sprinkle on the shredded old white cheddar cheese.
  7. Roast for an additional 10 minutes, or until the cheese is melted, crispy and delicious!
  8. Serve with Kendall-Jackson Vintner's Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon and enjoy!

These Crispy Cheddar Smashed Potatoes are a simple and delicious side dish to any meal!  They're cheesy, buttery and so flavorful!

These Crispy Cheddar Smashed Potatoes would also make a great appetizer!  They're easy to make, you can make large batches at a time, and they would go great served with cheese and meat trays.

These Crispy Cheddar Smashed Potatoes are a simple and delicious side dish to any meal!  They're cheesy, buttery and so flavorful!

Recipe Tips:

You can use either red or golden mini potatoes.

Feel free to experiment with different cheeses: grated Parmesan, Asiago or Gruyere would be delicious!

Don't forget to stop by my blog to get the recipe for a Brown Sugar Glazed Ham that would pair perfectly with these Crispy Cheddar Smashed Potatoes for Easter dinner!

Have a delicious day!

- Jo-Anna

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